So, my love affair with film continues. This time it took 9 months to go through a 23 frame roll of Ilford FP4 Plus and by the time I came to develop it, I was a bit out of practice. This led to me adding the stop bath before tipping out the developer and breaking my glass thermometer (now replaced with a less fragile one).
I wanted to try this 125 ASA rated B & W film with the Nikon. I took the camera with me to Israel; the first time I had taken a film camera with me on a holiday since 2004 and the first time ever using B & W abroad.
I have to say the results were not all that great but there were one or two keepers.
So here they are:
Ramat Gan skyline from Tsameret, Tel Aviv, Israel
Ramat Gan wall art Tel Aviv, Israel
The Missus
I think this film shines as a portrait film but seems to lack something for general photography. Here are a couple more portraits of my brother-in-law: