At last. The first full release of ON1 Photo Raw has been released and promises lots of delicious post-production awesomeness.
Having just broken the surface of learning Lightroom, to have another big application to learn is daunting.
At the moment, I use On1 Photo for two main tasks: firstly, of course, adding styling to images I have already developed in Lightroom; secondly, my ongoing editing of my analogue photo catalogue, mainly using the Perfect Eraser and Retouch tools as well as various corrections an styling. In fact, for analogue, I rarely touch Lightroom as that is a Raw development tool for me. ON1, on the other hand, is much quicker for knocking these battered old analogue scans into something bordering on presentable.
However, I need to try to see how good the new version in as an extension to Lightroom. In Lightroom I can switch to editing in ON1 or the Google NIK suite and this greatly increases my options. it also means you have so much you can do in so many ways that it’s important a) to master the products to know their good points and their limitations and b) develop a workflow using these products in a combination that works for you.
That’s what I intend to do and I’ll keep you posted.